All graduates of Fatima Jinnah Medical University who agree and abide by the Consitution will be eligible for membership
Application for membership shall be made on the prescribed form and forwarded to the Secretary of Association. The Secretary shall send such application to the Executive Committee for scrunity and approval. After approval membership card issued to the member
Patron: Who will always be the VC of Fatima Jinnah Medical University Lahore
Founder Members: Senior Graduates of Fatima Jinnah Medical University who initiated and pioneered the formation of the Association
Life Members: Who shall pay life membership fee in lump sum
Regular Members: Graduates of Fatima Jinnah Medical University Lahore who shall pay the annual fee
Ex-Officio Members: Women graduates from other medical institutions working at FJMU as Assistant, Associate or Professor will be eligible to get membership and shall continue to retain it as long as they are on the staff of FJMU, but they shall not hold any office, nor shall they have right to vote.
Honorary Members: Its offered to individuals of exceptional merits, who have attained position, status ,of unusual prominence on account of their ability / service to humanity. There is no annual subscription for these member and they shall not hold any office of the Association nor shall they vote or contest elections.
All members except Honorary or Ex officio can participate in all activities, can vote for the election of office bearers,can stand for any office in elections provided proposed and seconded by two members. Enroll as a life-time member of the Association of Fatima Jinnah Old Graduates.
5000 PKR per person for Pakistani residents
USD 300 for foreign residents
Fee can be submitted through the following methods
In-Cash or through cheque to the Administrator at the Head Office of AFJOG
Online using the below mentioned account details:
Bank Al Habib
Barkat Market Garden Town Branch, Lahore
Account Title: AFJOG Entertainment / Academics
Account No. 0007-0071-049680-50-3